Where Will Spanish Be Useful To Me?

If you never plan to leave your home country, then learning a language may not be for you. If you genuinely have no interest in learning Spanish, then there’s no point in trying to convince you. But if you have a traveller’s spirit it is really for the best that you give language learning a go, and with Spanish being one of the world’s most widely-spoken languages, it is hard to think of a better place to start. As an aside, Spanish is a great entry point to learning other Romance languages and, given that French is spoken in much of Europe and Africa, with Italian also featuring heavily in Western and Eastern Europe, arming yourself with a conversational level of one or more languages is something you won’t regret.

Spanish, for its part, is spoken in much of South America (the lone exception being Brazil – although with the similarities between its national language, Portuguese, and Spanish it’s still handy to have some Spanish should you wish to visit). As well as this, the majority of Central and even some of North America speak Spanish, while in Europe Spanish is spoken in Andorra and, of course, Spain. These areas of the world provide almost anything a traveller could wish to see or do.

A skiing holiday is always popular and, if that’s your bag, Andorra is a mountain paradise. Still largely unspoilt and undeniably beautiful, it’s really worth going at least once. If you’re more interested in classic architecture, then Mexico with its wonderful Aztec history is hard to beat, as is the gorgeous Inca setting of Perù. In fact, the whole of South America has a real old world charm to it despite the modernisation that the world has seen in the last century. And as for Spain – if you can’t find something there to please you between Gaudi’s wonderful Barcelona, the thriving mass that is Madrid and the wondrous winding streets of Pamplona, then perhaps you’ve seen everything already.